Who We Are

Fletcher Creek Improvement District (FCID) provides water to its members. It maintains an intake, distribution system, an emergency pumping system and works to protect source water quality. According to Provincial law, the FCID is expected to provide water that meets Provincial standards of potability. The Board of Trustees is, therefore, working toward point-of-entry (POE) water treatment.

FCID members are those property owners within the Improvement District’s boundaries who obtain water from the FCID’s distribution system. FCID members contribute to the construction, maintenance and repair of the system, and to the costs of establishing eventual treatment.

The Board of Trustees are elected members who further the goals of the Improvement District, protect the interests of members, and report to the members. The Board is responsible for compliance to the Local Government Branch, the Ministry of Lands and Environment and the Ministry of Health.

Donna Butt is our Secretary/Treasurer. To contact her with any questions or concerns, please email: fletchercreekwater@gmail.com.

As an Improvement District, the FCID is regulated by the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development. As a water provider, the FCID is regulated by Interior Health.

 Board of Trustees:

  • John Command – Chair
    Ph: 250 551-8448
    email: johncommand9@gmail.com
  • Neil Kelly – Trustee
    Ph: 778 738-1202
    email: nkelly1955@gmail.com
  • Barbara Neelands – Trustee

    Ph: 250-353-7151 email: bneelands@kaslo.org

  • Jorg Schreiber – Trustee

    Ph: 250-353-7668 email: jorgdiane@gmail.com

  • Corporate Officer – Donna Butt email: fletchercreekwater@gmail.com