Board Meeting Minutes January 18, 2015

Posted on May 26, 2015

Minutes January 18, 2015 –7 pm

McLaren’s Residence 4761 Highway 31

Trustees present: Laurie Hartland, Lance McLaren, Ron McKilligan

Secretary Treasurer: Tara Lynne Clapp

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:25 pm
  2. Approval of November Meeting Minutes: Move to approve November meeting minutes as circulated with amendments. Moved by Laurie Hartland, seconded by Ron McKilligan. Passed.
  3. Adoption of Special Trustee Meeting email into record: Special Meeting of Trustees held in December in response to communication from Regional District Director in transition, Andy Shadrack, and Aimee Watson. Result of meeting was a question from Board, written to Aimee Watson as follows:
    1. Andy recently sent us (Fletcher Creek Improvement District), correspondence containing details regarding a proposed POE pilot project, funded through a Community Works grant. There are a few questions regarding our involvement that we are hoping to get answers to before we commit.
      • Duration of pilot project
      • Sampling regimen (frequency) and confirmation of IH’s role regarding these costs
      • Expected date of implementation
      • POE equipment ownership after completion of pilot project phase
      • Other foreseeable associated costs
      • Thanks very much for extending this offer to our community water system and we are looking forward to the possibility of proceeding with the proposed POE pilot project.
    2. Adoption of Financial Report:
      1. Tara presented financial report.
      2. Ron would like names of individuals listed with their wages as part of the public record. No motion was made. Note: Our current reporting complies with the Financial Information Act governing public bodies in BC. The FCID is not in compliance with Personal Information Privacy Protection Act (PIPPA), however it does not as yet directly contravene any provi The legality of publishing individual names and wages as part of the public record would need legal review, if a proposal is to be put forward.
      3. Confidential, removed from public document.
      4. Move to accept financial report by Ron, second by Lance. Approved.
  1. Maintenance Report
    1. Ron delivered Maintenance Report
    2. Nunn has completed inspection of tanks as per original tank agreement. Nunn has also completed a geotech assessment of the site, will submit report.
    3. Heddle Creek by Six Mile, with fifteen households, has recently installed a container centralized treatment unit.


  1. Annual budget setting and taxation process
    1. Budget review:
      • Increase in interest income expected due to term deposit
      • Repair budget difficult to forecast, use small budget + reserve strategy
      • Expected reduction in Secretary Treasurer expense due to reduction in backlog
      • Advertising budget now primarily web-hosting, includes classifieds
      • Office expenses lower than previous due to use of Secretary Treasurer’s equipment
      • Lance to call Local Government Branch, ask about engaged review requirement. Lance is to speak to the Local Government Financial Advisor, let them know that we have annual revenues of about $30,000 in taxes with about 50 properties, and that the requirement to have annual audits was relaxed for us. Our last engaged review was done by a CGA in March of 2013 on our Financial Statements of 2012.
    2. Discussion of capital expenditure and capital reserve. Decision to proceed with 2013 analysis that we require $10,000 annual reserve contribution to put towards treatment and system replacement. Agreement to deal with new POE uncertainty by budgeting for appropriate expenditure pending new information.
  1. Bylaw # 61 First Reading (Bylaw #61 attached)
    1. Motion to adopt Bylaw #61 to provide a 15% increase such that the Group 1 rate is $512.98 and other Groups are increased proportionately. Moved by Laurie Hartland, second by Lance McLaren. All in favour. Passed.
  1. Bylaw #61 Second Reading
    1. Motion that Bylaw #61 is now adopted. Moved by LanceMcLaren, second by Ron McKilligan. All in favour. Passed.
    2. Lance to sign final copy for registration
  1. Work plan to learn/incorporate new small water user policies, and changes in centralized system costs
    1. POE policy change process – where are new rules?
      • Laurie to ask Aimee, Renee, about when the IHA information about POE will reflect regulatory changes. Will the new regulations reflect the new definitions of small water systems? What would it take for a small water system to create an agreement like the one with Gar Creek to provide potable water with POE?
    2. Updating centralized system cost information for members
      • Ron to ask Ted Nunn about the Heddle Creek system costs, number of households
      • Ron could also find out more about costs/household for Ymir system, Woodbury system, others with approx. 50 households
      • We already know that the South Slocan system cost $750,000 and the Ymir system cost $450,000
      • Ron to pursue leads such as Ted Nunn, other builders for lower priced central systems that serve 50 households, treat surface water, have had Boil Water removed


  1. Next meeting tentatively Monday Feb 9th, 3pm.
  2. Announcements
    1. Privacy: our minutes have contained information about property owners (names and addresses) that are defined as private under PIPPA. These will be stripped from minutes prior to posting. Note: Under PIPPA, this information should likely not be in minutes.


  1. Member correspondence
    1. Request for change in morning watering restriction from 9am to 10am


Income as of Dec 31, 2014

Balance as at Dec 31, 2014