Posts by fcid

Board Meeting Minutes – Mar 15, 2018


  • FCID has $170,950 in cash assets as of Feb 28, 2018
  • 2018 Taxation By-law passed
  • 2018 AGM Scheduled for Apr 25 at the Kaslo Seniors Hall
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Board Meeting Minutes – June 1, 2017


  • FCID has $182,991.75 in cash assets as of April 30, 2017 including accounts receivable of $28,683.43
  • 2017 AGM minutes were approved
  • Secretary Treasurer position vacant effective August 1, 2017
  • Spring flush and disinfection delayed because of high water levels
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2017 AGM Minutes and Financials


  • Held Wednesday, April 26th at 7 pm at Kaslo Seniors Hall
  • Trustees continuing:  Laurie Hartland, Lance McLaren, Tina McLaren, David Sheppard
  • One trustee position left vacant
  • Trustee honorarium remains the same at $250 per year, or $500 per year for the chair.
  • 2017 Budget allows for 3 pilot POE units to be installed
  • Centralized water treatment is being investigated again because Interior Health will likely require 4-log virus inactivation (i.e. using chlorination or high-dose UV), which is an expensive addition to POE units.
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Board Meeting Minutes – March 26, 2017


  • FCID has $156,484.41 in cash assets as of February 28, 2017.
  • FCID now has its own phone number (voice mail checked daily):  250-509-4215
  • IHA says the POE units will lift the Boil Water Notice but a Water Quality Advisory will remain in place unless 4-log virus inactivation is also achieved (i.e. chlorination), which is not usually done by POE units.
  • FCID will not be supplying “potable water” if a Water Quality Advisory is still in effect.
  • AGM will be April 26 at 7 pm at Kaslo Seniors Hall
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2017 AGM on April 26, 2017 at 7 pm – Kaslo Seniors Hall

Members are invited to meet with their trustees on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at 7 pm at the Kaslo Seniors Hall.

Complete 2017 AGM Package (770 KB PDF) includes:

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Board Meeting Minutes – February 23, 2017


  • FCID has $156,793.53 in cash assets as of Jan 31, 2017.
  • Shift to using subcontractors for maintenance instead of employees
  • Discussion of centralized vs POE (again!) due to renewed concerns about IHA objecting to homeowner maintenance and other issues
  • AGM will be April 26 at 7 pm at Kaslo Seniors Hall
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Board Meeting Minutes – January 12, 2017


  • FCID has $156,791.24 in cash assets as of Dec 31, 2016.
  • Taxation Bylaw #63 for 2017 passed with no change from 2016 taxes
  • IHA denial letter to POE application received, as expected, outlining technical requirements for implementation
  • FCID plans to meet with IHA’s Renee Ansel and Marianne Crowe in March to review the letter, and resubmit the application.
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Board Meeting Minutes – November 23, 2016


  • FCID has $158,270.20 in cash assets as of Oct 31, 2016.
  • System flush completed in October with no problems.
  • 2017 Draft Budget approved, no tax increase for 2017
  • RDCK Director Aimee Watson attended:
    • RDCK is not taking on any more water systems
    • IHA is now more receptive to POE water treatment but the process is new for them too.
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Board Meeting Minutes – October 11, 2016


  • FCID has $161,678.73 in cash assets as of Sept 30, 2016.
  • Next system flush will be in late October.
  • IHA may require a POE pilot project before a full rollout.
  • FCID welcomes new members:
    • Cindy at 4951 Hwy 31
    • Michael at 4960 Fletcher Creek Rd
    • Steven and Marielle at vacant lot 25A, Twin Bays Rd.
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Board Meeting Minutes – August 27, 2016


  • FCID has $161,264.11 in cash assets as of July 31, 2016.
  • Next system flush will be in late October.
  • A Newsletter and POE update went out to members in early August.
  • Two properties have changed ownership:  4951 Hwy 31 and 4960 Fletcher Creek Rd.
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Board Meeting Minutes – June 27, 2016


  • FCID has $136,642.42 in cash assets as of May 31, 2016.
  • System flush done on June 3.
  • The POE design has been completed and the construction permit application is ready to submit to IHA.
  • A POE update for members is being prepared.
  • Tina and Lance attended an Emergency Response Planning course.
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2016 AGM Minutes and Financials


  • Held Wednesday, April 20th at 7 pm at Kaslo Seniors Hall
  • Trustees elected: Lance McLaren, Tina McLaren, David Sheppard
  • Trustees continuing:  Laurie Hartland, Ron McKilligan
  • Trustee honorarium remains the same at $250 per year, or $500 per year for the chair.
  • 2016 Budget allows for 40 POE units to be installed.
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Board Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2016


  • FCID has $137,029.07 in cash assets as of March 31, 2016.
  • New Board members Tina McLaren and David Sheppard were welcomed.
  • The 2016 AGM minutes were approved, and the 2015 AGM minutes amended.
  • Reasons for choosing POE over Centralized water treatment reviewed.
  • Tina will attend an Emergency Response Planning course.
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Board Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2016


  • FCID has $137,103.19 in cash assets as of February 29, 2016.
  • Tax payments in U.S. dollars will receive flexibility to accommodate the fluctuating exchange rate.
  • There are 50 residential connections + 8 vacant lots, so up to 58 POE units will need to be installed.
  • Mirror Lake would like to borrow FCID’s turbidimeter
  • Two Trustees and a Maintenance apprentice needed.
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2016 AGM on April 20, 2016 at 7 pm – Kaslo Seniors Hall

Members are invited to meet with their trustees on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 7 pm at the Kaslo Seniors Hall.

Complete 2016 AGM Package (600 KB PDF) includes:

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Board Meeting Minutes – February 24, 2016

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Board Meeting Minutes – January 18, 2016

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Board Meeting Minutes – November 16, 2015

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Board Meeting Minutes – October 28, 2015

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Board Meeting Minutes – September 14, 2015

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