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Board Meeting Minutes, Jan 09, 2018


  • FCID has $171,209 in cash assets as of Dec 31, 2017
  • Finances were slightly under 2017 budget.
  • Standpipe at the south end of the system has been repaired
  • 2018 Budget was passed with a 10% increase in taxes, to cover the extra-ordinary cost of a Flowmeter and two curb-stops.
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2017 AGM Minutes and Financials


  • Held Wednesday, April 26th at 7 pm at Kaslo Seniors Hall
  • Trustees continuing:  Laurie Hartland, Lance McLaren, Tina McLaren, David Sheppard
  • One trustee position left vacant
  • Trustee honorarium remains the same at $250 per year, or $500 per year for the chair.
  • 2017 Budget allows for 3 pilot POE units to be installed
  • Centralized water treatment is being investigated again because Interior Health will likely require 4-log virus inactivation (i.e. using chlorination or high-dose UV), which is an expensive addition to POE units.
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