February 24, 2016 – 4:30 pm
Froese’s Residence 346 Washington St.
Trustees present: Gillian Froese, Laurie Hartland, Ron McKilligan, Lance McLaren
Guests: Steve Scott, Anne Tellam
Secretary Treasurer: Tammy Horick
Meeting called to order at 4:45 pm.
Approval of agenda
MOTION to approve agenda with added correspondence from Rosemary Smart. Moved by Gillian Froese, second by Ron McKilligan. All in favour. Passed.
Approval of last Trustee minutes (January)
E-MAIL MOTION to approve January meeting minutes made on Jan 30, 2016. Moved by Ron McKilligan, second by Laurie Hartland. Gillian Froese in favour. Passed on Feb 16, 2016.
Approval of Financial Report (Tammy Horick)
Balance Statement to January 31, 2016:
$137,211.24 in Cash plus $1,919.84 still expected in 2015 tax revenues.
$225,280.07 in Total Liabilities and Equity, which includes capital assets. Amortization of capital assets was calculated for 2015 and their value was reduced by $3,487.23.
Income Statement to January 31, 2016:
Water sample testing expense of $387.20
Cash availability:
Unrestricted: $37,015.12
Capital Expenditure Charge per Bylaw 2: $37,528.06
Renewal Reserve per Bylaw 60: $60,663.38
Addendum March 1, 2016: The above amounts per Bylaw 2 and Bylaw 60 were recorded incorrectly in the Nov 2015 and Jan 2016 minutes but are correct here. They were correct on all the approved financial statements but copied incorrectly to the minutes.
POE project at $2,387.20 so far.
MOTION to accept January financials as circulated. Moved by Gillian Froese, second by Ron McKilligan. All in favour. Passed.
Question: Annual taxes can be a burden to people on a fixed income. The RDCK has an installment payment plan. Would FCID consider implementing this? Answer: Partial tax payments are accepted at any time, so the member can essentially implement this themselves by paying in installments of any amount at their convenience. Annual tax rates are passed in December or January and the Local Government Act requires FCID to add a penalty for taxes unpaid after June 30, so the member should plan accordingly. ACTION: Tammy to update tax notice to clarify payment options, pre-payment and penalties.Maintenance Report (Ron McKilligan)
Requested a quote from Curtis regarding leaking standpipe on Hwy 31, waiting to hear back.
Looking for curb stops near two lots (15 and 16, near Hereshoff’s). Still investigating.
Everything seems good otherwise.
Maintenance report accepted.
Action items from last Trustee minutes
ACTION: Tammy to complete CW grant reporting requirements.
Lance talked to Rick Valentine about the Gar Creek POE implementation and water testing. Aqua Clean didn’t do the IHA construction permit application but Jared installed the POE units. The work appeared professionally done although response time for maintenance was sometimes slow, possibly due to the travel required. They’re using a temporary water source right now, but don’t have funding to put in a permanent water source.
Standpipe repair quote requested from Curtis Hewat, as presented in the Maintenance report.
ACTION: Tammy will forward the list of active and inactive connections to Laurie for review.
ACTION: Ron looking for a curb stop near 2 lots, as presented in the Maintenance report.
Tammy mailed two signed and sealed copies of Bylaw 62 to Local Government Branch for registration.
Tammy confirmed that FCID must hold a tax sale in the fall if a property has had unpaid taxes for more than 24 months as of June 30. FCID provides Local Government Branch (LGB) with a Statement of Account, and LGB will mail a tax sale notification on provincial letterhead to the property owners.
The mortgage company for the property with taxes in arrears has requested a Statement of Account. LGB advised that the Statement should only be shared with the member’s legal representative, but Tammy has been unable to reach the member. ACTION: Tammy to provide a Statement of Account to Local Government Branch for the property now in arrears for almost 24 months.ACTION: Tammy to thank Graham and Robert in the next Newsletter or on the website.
ACTION: Lance to ask Robert Cunliffe to start monthly turbidity testing again in mid-March.Tammy emailed the Sustainable Infrastructure Society insurance webpage link to the Board (www.waterbc.ca). It was noted that this site also has a very good section on POE implementation for Small Water Systems.
Tom Humphries emphasized liability concerns to Gillian in informal conversation. They didn’t discuss how best to establish that the owner owns the POE unit, even though FCID pays for it.
Gillian is waiting for a response from Renee regarding water testing requirements to lift the BWA, who pays for them, and can FCID drop samples off at the Kaslo clinic as before? Does Renee have advice about liability insurance for either the units or water quality?
ACTION: Gillian to arrange lunch with Renee to discuss water testing drop off and costs, and liability insurance.The POE approval letter was discussed. It’s still being revised as information about insurance and member questions come forward. It was agreed to allow more time (to May 15) for the signed letter to be returned. The approval letters must be signed before installations begin but that’s expected to be a few months away, so members who haven’t signed as of May 15 will still have some time to be consulted and have their concerns addressed.
Question: Is water from outdoor taps treated? Answer: No, only water for inside the house should be treated. Site visits will identify if plumbing changes are necessary to ensure outside water bypasses the treatment system. Question: Will the water be chlorinated? Answer: No. Question: How do you respond to homeowner concerns about costs for site preparation, plumbing changes, etc? Answer: Site visits will assess the logistics of POE unit installation and work through how to handle the financial impact on a case by case basis, including evaluation of any treatment systems already in place. Members are encouraged to come to the AGM, communicate concerns and feedback to the trustees, or send an email to fletchercreekwater@gmail.com. The trustees feel that POE treatment is a good solution and Aqua Clean has seen many POE units installed under a variety of conditions. The unit requires a standard electrical outlet and a 3’ x 5’ space inside near where the water enters the building, which is common in most homes so site renovations are expected to be nil to minimal. ACTION: Tammy to revise the POE approval letter. ACTION: Tammy to send the POE approval letter out in late March, include a self-addressed stamped envelope, and request return by May 15.Water test results were emailed to Jared at Aqua Clean on Feb 9:
potability and chemical analysis by CARO Analytics in Kelowna, and
bacteriological by Passmore Labs in Slocan.
IHA in Nelson told Lance that FCID could NOT drop off water samples at the Kaslo Clinic to be sent away for testing.
Lance confirmed that Jared did the POE installations in Gar Creek.
POE treatment plan
POE system will include a 1 micron filter, a UV bulb and a pre-filter. The treated water is not chlorinated.
Water test results for the IHA construction permit application were sent to Aqua Clean Feb 9.
Member Request for Approval letter to be updated and sent out in late March, return requested by May 15.
Contract and maintenance schedule should be reviewed with Renee Ansel and liability insurer.
Maintenance documentation will be written later.
Bylaw amendment(s) regarding ownership and unit maintenance will have to be made.
Pre-install site visits to be scheduled, and who will install the units still to be decided.
Insurance and Liability
Gillian talked to Capri Insurance in Kelowna, which is the underwriter for the Sustainable Infrastructure Society insurance plan. It sounds like IHA and insurers may be starting to work together and she’s optimistic that liability insurance can be obtained, and for a reasonable rate ($1,500 was suggested).
Doug Vance for Western Financial Group found an underwriter (Milnco) who was willing to offer a quote on a liability application for FCID.
ACTION: Tammy and Gillian to look into Capri and Milnco insurance applications together.
2016 AGM
ACTION: Gillian to reserve Seniors Hall for 3rd week of April, probably Thursday evening.
ACTION: Laurie to write Trustees Report.
Gillian will continue on the Nominations committee:
Gillian finishing a 3 year term, stepping down,
Lance finishing a 3 year term, will stand again,
Ron completing the second year of a 3 year term,
Laurie completing the first year of a 3 year term.
Ron is looking for a Maintenance apprentice, but will continue doing Maintenance this year.
ACTION: Tammy to ask for 2 directors and a Maintenance apprentice in the AGM package.Correspondence
Canada Revenue Agency is allowing FCID to be a quarterly remitter so Tammy will only do payroll (and get paid) every 3 months.
BC Water and Waste Association pilot project for Building Sustainable Small Water Systems was circulated to the Board via email on Feb 2, and discussed. The project includes a free locally delivered workshop and webinars on financial planning, legislation and risk management for small water systems. Participant intake is from January 2016 to March 2017, up to 40 systems. It was felt that the Board has already largely accumulated this knowledge and is past the planning stage. For example, tank relining came out of that process. It may be appropriate for a new Board member.
Rosemary Smart of Hagensborg Water District sent an update email circulated to the Board on Feb 24. She is meeting with provincial ministers to advocate for Improvement District funding, and notes that the Ministry of Health and Health Authorities have a financial mandate to ensure health related services are properly funded, cost-effective and meet performance objectives.
Next meeting will be Thursday, March 24 at 4:30 pm at Gillian’s.
Adjournment at 6:05 pm.