2015 Annual Update

Message from the Trustees

POE Water Treatment

We are excited to have taken our first strides in 2015 toward implementing Point of Entry (POE) water treatment for FCID. The discouragingly high cost of centralized treatment combined with Interior Health’s increased flexibility toward the use of POE units in small water systems has caused us to change water treatment direction yet again, this time back in favour of POE.

Fortunately our recent tank relining project benefits both treatment options equally. However, we did decide to not purchase a flow meter as planned because it was more expensive than expected and more relevant to a centralized system.

The trustees now feel that POE treatment is a very good solution for FCID and have been encouraged by its success in other communities. IHA’s recent willingness to accommodate the unique needs and financial limitations of small water systems provides a (possibly brief) window of opportunity. This flexibility also means that some details are not clearly defined, like frequency of water testing, maintenance contract requirements and liability insurance. We appreciate your patience and trust as we navigate the sometimes murky path toward crystal clear potable water.

POE component and installation quotes were obtained from two Kootenay companies. Aqua Clean in Trail was chosen to complete and submit an IHA construction permit application on FCID’s behalf for $2,000. Aqua Clean has done similar projects and has experience in getting applications approved by IHA, as well as supplying and installing the POE units. FCID has only committed to the application submission with Aqua Clean at this time, and IHA approval is expected to take 3 months to a year.

IHA requires that all FCID water users agree to POE as the FCID standard method of water treatment. We cannot install a single POE unit until everyone connected to the water system agrees, in writing, to this treatment option. Members will be receiving an information letter soon and are asked to sign and return the member approval form supporting POE. Members are also encouraged to come to the AGM, communicate concerns and feedback to the trustees, or email questions to fletchercreekwater@gmail.com.

While we await IHA’s approval, we will be conducting site visits to assess the logistics of POE unit installation and evaluate any treatment systems already in place. The unit requires a standard electrical outlet and a 3’ x 5’ space inside near where the water enters the building, which is common in most homes so site renovations are expected to be nil to minimal.

FCID must eventually be able to prove to IHA that every active connection is providing potable water before the BWA can be lifted.

Volunteers and Staff

Thank you to Robert Cunliffe and Graham Gilbert for putting our turbidimeter to good use and conscientiously collecting more than 3 years of turbidity data. This information helped us be well prepared for our POE construction permit application. Graham will continue taking measurements in 2016, but it would be nice for him to be able to pass the job on.

Thank you also to Ron McKilligan and Brad Hartland for their excellent maintenance work. Ron has been involved with water system maintenance for some time, and would like to start training an apprentice.

Turbidity testing and flushing the water mains are not particularly arduous jobs, requiring only a few hours of commitment each year. Please phone a trustee or email Tammy at fletchercreekwater@gmail.com if you can help with either water testing or system maintenance.

Last May we also bade farewell to Tara Clapp and welcomed Tammy Horick as the new Secretary Treasurer. Tara did a tremendous job of keeping us organized and Tammy has been able to step in relatively seamlessly. A new FCID laptop was also purchased for the Secretary Treasurer to bring us into the digital age.


Watering restrictions were extended last year and are now in effect from June 1 to Sept 30. During this period, please water with fixed sprinklers only every other day after 6 pm and before 9 am.  Your tax notice indicates whether your household waters on odd or even days of the month.

Meeting minutes, AGM information and current bylaws are on our website at www.fletchercreekwater.com. We look forward to adding much more information about our water system and POE treatment plans in the coming months.

The year to come

Annual taxation is unchanged from 2015.

We hope that the POE construction permit application will be approved by IHA later this year. In the meantime, members will be contacted directly to arrange pre-install site evaluations and address any concerns. Once all member approval forms have been signed and IHA has granted us our permit, POE unit installations can begin.

The budget for 2016 comfortably allows for the installation of up to 40 POE units, or 80% of our active connections. The remainder can be completed in 2017, after which we hope to see the BWA lifted. While FCID’s financial position allows the majority of POE units to be installed this year, the actual number completed will depend on when the project begins.

FCID’s volunteer board urgently requires 2 new trustees

FCID has been operating for the past two years with only 4 of a legislated 5 trustees on its Board, and one of those trustees will not be running again this year. Failure to elect a full complement of board members is taken very seriously by higher levels of government, and FCID risks being dissolved if this situation continues. Control of the water system would then pass to another taxation authority, probably the RDCK, and increased administrative costs would likely lead to increased taxes. Since Improvement Districts can no longer be created, our ability to set tax rates and make decisions about our water system would be irrevocably lost.

Trustees attend monthly meetings and are currently granted an annual honorarium of $250, which is assessed and approved each year at the AGM. Trustees must own land in the FCID or be married to an FCID landowner, be at least 18 years of age and be eligible to vote in BC, which means having been a resident of BC for at least 6 months.

Contact Gillian Froese at (250) 353-7171 if you would like to know more about being a trustee, and please attend the AGM on April 20th at 7 pm at the Kaslo Seniors Hall.

Laurie Hartland, Co-Chair (250) 353-2966 Brad Hartland (250) 353-2966
Lance McLaren, Co-Chair (250) 353-2963 Ron McKilligan (250) 353-2679
Ron McKilligan (250) 353-2679
Gillian Froese (250) 353-7171 SECRETARY/TREASURER
One position vacant Tammy Horick (250) 353-2349